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The Civ traits are part of the Historical progression system inBOCProject.


Along with the Historical progression line, you can unlock a civilization with their Trait trees, Inside in the sand-box progression system context, the player's civilization is the sum of total acquired traits,
The traits unlock distinctive: units, buildings, actions and bonuses from their historical civilization.

Each trait have a specific different requirements progression point, for example, one node of 'Administration' path usually requires political points.


Each civilization have a diferent number of Paths, According their real hictorical charasteristics. For example the Egyptians New Kingdom have 4 Paths, Administration, Religion, Military and Architecture:


Others like the Early American Tribes have only two, or others like the Romans Eastern Empire have 5 differents paths,
In the pre-alpha in total exist more than 150 paths, with an average of 3 paths for each civilization.

Trait trees

In the pre-alpha exits more than 1200 diffents traits, The game mechanics are balanced to that in each game the players can complete a maximum between of 2-10 entire paths
depending about the game setp up configuration, (with a averange of 10 traits per each path).

This is a visual Example of pre-alpha trait tree for 'Administration path of Egyptians New Kingdom civilization.


Egyptians New Kingdom Administration Path tree
